Paper presentation rules:

•    abstract submission deadline expires on 30.05.2021

•    abstracts are to be submitted in electronic format using the online form

•    abstract will not be accepted after the deadline

•    authors will be notified about the status of their abstract (accepted or rejected) and the form of presentation (oral or poster) by 03.07.2021

•    the abstract should not exceed 3000 characters (approx. 400 words)

•    title should be short and concise

•    the following abstract structure is obligatory:

1.    Name(s) of author(s) with affiliation number

2.    Title in Polish

3.    Title in English

4.    Abstract content in Polish and English:

•    do include: introduction, objective, materials and methods, results, conclusions

•    do not include: figures, address of institution, academic titles, grants sponsoring the research or literature

5.    the “materials and methods” section should specify whether the study was prospective or retrospective and name the statistical methods used in the study

6.    if using abbreviations, provide the long form when first used

7.    the abstract should not include data which could identify the author(s) or the institution from which the paper originates

8.    the number of papers submitted by one author is limited to 3

9.    by submitting the abstract, you confirm that you have obtained the approval of all co-authors and head of the unit from which the paper originates

10.    the author is responsible for complying with personal data protection law, copyrights and ethical standards

11.    all submitted abstracts will be blinded for consideration by reviewers, who will decide which papers are included in the Congress programme.